Understanding Melasma - Everything you need to know from a Dermatologist!

Have you ever noticed those pesky dark patches on your face that just won’t go away?

Well, you might be dealing with melasma, a really common skin condition that presents with uneven brown marks on your face. Fear not!! In our first ever blog post, we’re diving deep into the world of melasma to uncover its causes, symptoms and treatment options that can help you regain your radiant skin.

Melasma affects women mainly and especially those with darker skin tones. It arises due to an excess production of melanin, the pigment responsible for our skin colour. Hormonal changes are often blamed for triggering melasma - but that’s not all - the sun and genetics also play a part.

Deciphering the Signs of Melasma

Have you ever wondered what melasma actually looks like? Well, its appearance is with brown patches or hyperpigmentation on your skin, particularly on your face. These patches often crop up due to sun exposure or hormonal changes.

Discovering the Culprits Behind Melasma

Lets unmask the causes of melasma - and remember you may have more than one of these:

  1. Hormonal changes: especially during pregnancy and with the oral contraceptive pill.

  2. Sun exposure - can be a trigger but also make established melasma so much worse!

  3. Genetic factors - check out your family here and see who else has it.

  4. Irritation and inflammation - such as scrubs

Unveiling the Treatments of Melasma

Here at NSDL we have an arsenal of treatment options at your disposal. From topical creams to laser therapy, we’ll explore the most effective way to manage and reduce the appearance of melasma. Remember that everybody’s skin is very different so we highly recommend you seeing a dermatologist for a personalised approach. The options below are all the options in general.

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments involve creams that contain ingredients like hydroquinone, corticosteroids or retinoids that work to lighten the dark patches and even out your skin tone. The inclusion of corticosteroids is to reduce your risk of inflammation with topical products - and as we know inflammation and irritation can lead to more melasma.

the Melasma Ingredient Options

  1. Hydroquinone - inhibits melanin production

  2. Retinoids - such as tretinoin and retinol, are derivatives of Vitamin A that improve melasma by increasing cell turnover.

  3. Kojic Acid - a natural ingredient derived from fungi that inhibits the production of melanin

  4. Azelaic Acid - has both depigmenting and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in reducing melasma.

  5. Vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant to brighten the skin and reduce pigmentation.

  6. Niacinamide - offers multiple benefits for melasma, including reducing pigmentation, improving the skin’s barrier function and regulating sebum production.

  7. Licorice Extract - contains a compound called glabridin, which inhibits the enzyme reponsible for melanin production.

  8. Mulberry Extract - contains arbutin, which has skin lightening properties

  9. Alpha Hydroxy Acids - including glycolic acid and lactic acid - can exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover.

  10. Tranexamic Acid - is a new ingredient gaining attention for its amazing ability to inhibit melanin production and reduce hyperpigmentation.

Laser Therapy

Often a combination approach is more effective, so combining topical treatments with laser therapy works well. At NSDL, we use a melasma laser called a Q-switched laser. This is very effective in breaking up excess pigment in your skin. It also improves your overall skin tone. Keep in mind that a few treatment sessions are required.

What else can you do?

There’s more! When it comes to managing melasma, sun protection is a crucial weapon. Applying sunscreen with a high SPF, wearing protective clothing and minimising sun exposure (such as seeking shade during peak hours) are key in your fight against melasma. Avoiding harsh exfoliants or scrubs that could aggravate your melasma is helpful as well.

Consistency is your Secret Weapon

Maintaining a consistent approach to your skincare routine is very important. Melasma returns easily and quickly so consistency is key.

Don’t Forget…

There is no 1 magic potion to completely banish melasma for good. It is all about embracing lifestyle changes and having consistent skin care and treatments. Remember to consult with a dermatologist at NSDL who will give you personalised advice and treatment options tailored to your unique needs.

Elizabeth Dawes-Higgs