Dermatologists Northbridge Sydney | Medical and Cosmetic Dermatology

Redness & Dilated Capillaries

Broken Capillaries and Redness Dermatology.jpg

What causes skin redness?

Redness is usually the result of broken capillaries or dilated tiny vessels (telangiectasia). Rosacea and sun damage commonly cause telangiectasia. Unfortunately, cosmetic creams do not mend broken capillaries. Successful treatment requires treatment with a vascular laser.

Laser redness reduction & how it works

A vascular laser delivers a light that is selectively absorbed by the blood vessels in the skin.  This light is absorbed by blood vessels or melanin (pigment) in the skin depending on the condition being treated. The laser light can also help stimulate new collagen formation at the same time resulting in a degree of skin remodelling.

This laser treatment can be used for:

  • Redness of the face and neck

  • Broken capillaries

  • Spider naevi

  • Early scars

  • Red stretch marks

  • Vascular birthmarks

The VBeam Perfecta® Pulsed Dye Laser is used at Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser to treat redness of the face and neck along with spider veins and broken capillaries. This is considered a laser of choice for redness reduction as it is effective with a low-risk profile. The laser also is able to treat larger areas and larger lesions quickly.

What does the treatment for redness reduction involve?

Laser is a simple medical practice-based procedure. With the newer devices, topical anaesthetic is not required prior to the procedure.

You will be lying down and asked to wear goggles or shields to protect your eyes. Each time the laser is fired a bright light will be seen even through the goggles and a sound heard. Despite being able to see the flashes of light, please be reassured that if you are wearing goggles, your eyes are protected. Pain is usually mild due to the cooling mechanism used by the laser.

The treated area may feel warm after treatment. Ice packs are used to help reduce swelling. Results are visible after approximately 6-8 weeks. Two to five treatments may be required spaced apart by 4-6 weeks. Some conditions require more treatments eg. port wine stains.

Do I need time off work after vascular laser treatment?

Some people take a day or two off work but it is not absolutely necessary. The amount of bruising is dictated by the settings used. Your doctor will discuss this with you prior to treatment.

Redness Reduction Laser at Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser

Here at Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser we have the VBeam Perfecta® Pulsed Dye Laser. This is considered a laser of choice for redness reduction as it is effective with a low-risk profile. With a larger spot size (treatment area) large lesions can be treated quickly. This laser can be used to treat redness of the face and neck along with spider veins and broken capillaries. A vascular laser delivers a light that is selectively absorbed by the blood vessels in the skin. Another advantage of this laser is the dynamic cooling method or DCD. This delivers a cooling mist onto the skin prior to the laser pulse being emitted. This mist helps with comfort during treatment and to minimise side effects afterwards such as redness.

How does vascular laser work?

The word ‘Laser’ stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and precisely defines how a laser works. In a nutshell, laser irradiation can selectively destroy specific targets within the skin without damaging surrounding skin structures. Put simply, a vascular laser beam specifically targets oxyhaemoglobin (a key component of blood) within blood vessels. It does this by operating at a wavelength of light that is absorbed by oxyhaemoglobin. Absorption of the beam of light by oxyhaemoglobin destroys the molecule and thus the blood vessel being treated. The key to how well these machines work is basically how perfectly they can destroy haemoglobin and thus the blood vessel being treated without affecting surrounding skin structures such as collagen and elastin. A number of complicated factors dictate how well the machine can do this such as the wavelength the machine operates at, whether the beam is continuous or pulsed and the pulse duration if it is pulsed.

What are the potential side effects of vascular laser?

Side effects can be divided into immediate and long term possible side effects. The most common side effect is mild swelling and purple bruising. Purpura can last up to 14 days but is much less common with new laser systems, such as the VBeam Perfecta. Long term side effects are exceptionally rare with new vascular laser technology. Redness and swelling is mild and lasts 3-5 days.


  • Pain, Swelling, Bruising or purpura

  • Blistering and Crusting Infection

  • Ocular injury


  • Pigmentation (hypo or hyperpigmentation)

  • Scarring Patterning

  • Recurrence of lesion

Laser redness reduction & how it works +

A vascular laser delivers a light that is selectively absorbed by the blood vessels in the skin. This light is absorbed by blood vessels or melanin (pigment) in the skin depending on the condition being treated. The laser light can also help stimulate new collagen formation at the same time resulting in a degree of skin remodelling.

This laser treatment can be used for:

  • Redness of the face and neck
  • Broken capillaries
  • Spider naevi
  • Early scars
  • Red stretch marks

The VBeam Perfecta® Pulsed Dye Laser is used at Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser to treat redness of the face and neck along with spider veins and broken capillaries. This is considered a laser of choice for redness reduction as it is effective with a low-risk profile. The laser also is able to treat larger areas and larger lesions quickly.

What does the treatment for redness reduction involve? +

Laser is a simple medical practice-based procedure. With the newer devices, topical anaesthetic is not required prior to the procedure.

You will be lying down and asked to wear goggles or shields to protect your eyes. Each time the laser is fired a bright light will be seen even through the goggles and a sound heard. Pain is usually mild due to the cooling mechanism used by the laser.

The treated area may feel warm after treatment. Ice packs are used to help reduce swelling. Results are visible after approximately 6-8 weeks. Two to three treatments may be required spaced apart by 4-6 weeks. Some conditions require more treatments eg. port wine stains.

Do I need time off work after vascular laser treatment? +

Some people take a day or two off work but it is not absolutely necessary. The amount of bruising is dictated by the settings used. Your doctor will discuss this with you prior to treatment.

Redness Reduction Laser at Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser Here at Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser we have the VBeam Perfecta® Pulsed Dye Laser. This is considered a laser of choice for redness reduction as it is effective with a low-risk profile. With a larger spot size (treatment area) large lesions can be treated quickly. This laser can be used to treat redness of the face and neck along with spider veins and broken capillaries. A vascular laser delivers a light that is selectively absorbed by the blood vessels in the skin. Another advantage of this laser is the dynamic cooling method or DCD. This delivers a cooling mist onto the skin prior to the laser pulse being emitted. This mist helps with comfort during treatment and to minimise side effects afterwards such as redness.

How does vascular laser work? +

The word ‘Laser’ stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and precisely defines how a laser works. In a nutshell, laser irradiation can selectively destroy specific targets within the skin without damaging surrounding skin structures. Put simply, a vascular laser beam specifically targets oxyhaemoglobin (a key component of blood) within blood vessels. It does this by operating at a wavelength of light that is absorbed by oxyhaemoglobin. Absorption of the beam of light by oxyhaemoglobin destroys the molecule and thus the blood vessel being treated. The key to how well these machines work is basically how perfectly they can destroy haemoglobin and thus the blood vessel being treated without affecting surrounding skin structures such as collagen and elastin. A number of complicated factors dictate how well the machine can do this such as the wavelength the machine operates at, whether the beam is continuous or pulsed and the pulse duration if it is pulsed.

What are the potential side effects of vascular laser? +

Side effects can be divided into immediate and long term possible side effects. The most common side effect is mild swelling and purple bruising. Purpura can last up to 14 days but is much less common with new laser systems, such as the VBeam Perfecta. Long term side effects are exceptionally rare with new vascular laser technology. Redness and swelling is mild and lasts 3-5 days.

Immediate Side Effects

  • Pain, Swelling, Bruising or purpura
  • Blistering and Crusting Infection
  • Ocular injury

Long Term Side Effects

  • Pigmentation (hypo or hyperpigmentation)
  • Scarring Patterning
  • Recurrence of lesion