Dermatitis Treatment

What is Dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a very common condition seen by dermatologists. Dermatitis looks like a red rash, is often not well-defined and usually occurs on the elbows or behind the knees. It can be endogenous (meaning “from within”) or exogenous (“from external” sources).


This includes atopic dermatitis and seborrhoeic dermatitis.


This is dermatitis caused by external factors and these include irritants and also allergens. These are products that the skin comes in contact with and this can cause a rash. Sometimes the rash does not occur immediately after the skin touches the product and can take some time to appear.

How is dermatitis treated?

General skincare measures in the treatment of dermatitis are very important and are the mainstay of maintaining the skin in between often inevitable flares. Other options of treatment include topical therapies along with oral treatments.

How should I care for my skin with dermatitis.

It is very important to keep the skin moist if you have dermatitis. This involves using a soap-free wash that does not dry-out the skin along with short quick tepid showers, bath oils and a moisturiser. Moisturisers should be creams or ointments, as these are thicker and can contain urea and lactic acid. Care must be taken however if the skin is broken, as sometimes moisturisers can sting.

Topical treatment options: These include anti-inflammatory creams and ointments containing a steroid such as hydrocortisone. Options include tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, although initially these can sting.

Oral treatments: If your dermatitis is very severe and is not able to come under control with topical therapy, then oral treatments can be considered. These include immunosuppressives such as azathioprine and are very effective.

  Book in for a Dermatitis Consultation with one of our Dermatologists below.

If you have already had a consultation with one of our Dermatologists, and are ready to book in your Laser Treatments, please phone: (02) 9958 1555.

All medical and cosmetic procedures involve some risks. The information provided here is for general educational purposes only. The results achieved for patients in before and after pictures are individual and may not be achievable for you specifically. For specific advice regarding your situation, please book an appointment at NSDL.