Sunspots & Actinic Keratosis

Sunspots which are also known as actinic keratoses or solar keratoses are precancerous spots that occur on the skin with sun damage. They occur in sun-exposed areas such as the face, hands, and arms and can also occur on the lower legs, especially in Australia.

We do not know exactly how many of these will turn into cancerous conditions but we believe around 10-15% will do this. It is for this reason that it is important to have good control of sunspots to prevent their transition to cancer.

Sunspots are seen more often in fair-skinned people who have had a lifetime of sun exposure.  Sunspots can also be seen in people who are immunosuppressed. This means that the immune system is not functioning as well and this can occur in organ transplant patients and those on certain tablets such as prednisone.

How are sunspots treated?

Your treatment of sunspots will depend on how many you have and this will be assessed at the time of the full skin examination. If you have a few scattered spots, then the first option of treatment is with dry ice. This is also called cryotherapy and is a treatment used by a doctor in a spray form. It feels like a flick at the time of treatment. The area then becomes red, swollen, crusts-up and over the next week to two, the area falls off.

If you have a number of sunspots then Dermatologists talk about ‘field damage’, that means the entire field of the skin is damaged by the sun which is characterised by visible and non visible (microscopic) damage. Field treatment allows treatment of many spots at one time. There are a few ways that this can be performed and they include with topical 5-FU (Efudix), topical imiquimod (Aldara) and also photodynamic therapy. You may choose to treat only a small area such as your nose or forehead, however more often a full face treatment is required and performed.

There are many topical medical creams for sun damage. These all have pros and cons but will not improve the other elements of sun damage such as redness, dilated capillaries, skin textural effects, and brown spots.


This is a cream that is used daily to twice daily over a period of 2-3 weeks. The area becomes quite red and crusty and can lead to good control of the sunspots.


This works in a slightly different way and is used 3 times a week for 4-6 weeks. The effects with redness and crusting are very similar.


This has been recently adapted to use daylight to obtain good control of sunspots. This is a safe and effective non-surgical method as an option. It is often used in preference to 5-FU and imiquimod because the treatment time is 3 hours as opposed to 3-6 weeks. Just as with these creams, this treatment also causes redness, scaling, and then resolution over 2 weeks. Usually, only one treatment is needed but your dermatologist may advise 2 treatments if you have quite severe involvement with sunspots. If this is a treatment option for you, one of our clinic nurses will discuss this further with.

If improvement of these elements is not complete, a combination of medical and energy based device treatment is required. There are other options for managing sunspots and these include chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and topical diclofenac gel. At Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser, there is a high patient preference for photodynamic therapy due to the quicker onset of the treatment and lower risk of side-effects.

Laser assisted Photodynamic Therapy

One effective treatment for field sun damage is photodynamic therapy (PDT). This treatment involves the use of a special solution that is applied to the skin and then activated with light. When the solution is exposed to light, it produces a reaction that destroys the damaged cells in the skin.Laser-assisted photodynamic therapy (L-PDT) takes this treatment a step further by using a laser to increase the uptake of the photo agent to enhance outcomes.  The product can then be activated by laser and this same laser can be used to improve other elements of sun damage.

It's important to note that L-PDT may not be the best option for all patients. As with any medical treatment, it's important to consult with your patients and determine the best course of action based on their individual needs and medical history.

Multi-stacking of Lasers

After L-PDT patients can then undergo stacked lasers to address all other elements of photo damage, resurface the skin and improve the overall outcome.

Before & Afters

Before and After L-PDT

Progress following L-PDT

 Book in for a Consultation with one of our Dermatologists below.

If you are concerned about sun spots or want to discuss treatments to improve your skin’s appearance, contact Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser today to schedule a consultation. Our dermatologists can guide you on the best ways to protect and rejuvenate your skin.

All medical and cosmetic procedures involve some risks. The information provided here is for general educational purposes only. The results achieved for patients in before and after pictures are individual and may not be achievable for you specifically. For specific advice regarding your situation, please book an appointment at NSDL.